Homemade Yogurt: Eating Your Curds and Whey

By / Photography By | March 01, 2013
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Soft Yogurt Cheese

Yogurt is one of our most basic foods—so simple and nutritious that it’s one of the first foods we feed babies. But even big kids and adults love it. Yogurt can be sour, sweet and a bit of both. It is always creamy— and delicious.

Many cultures around the world have long viewed yogurt as an everyday staple, but until recently most Americans have considered yogurt a “diet” food. Now it seems yogurt is everywhere. And for good reason: The probiotics in yogurt are good for your digestion, and it’s full of calcium and protein, too.

The yogurt offerings in local markets are expanding by leaps and bounds. There is extra-thick Greek-style yogurt, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, raw milk, lactose-free, soy and even coconut milk–based yogurt. And then there are the “add- ins”: yogurts with cookie crumbs, granola and even sprinkles. You can find it packaged in returnable pottery crocks, plastic cups or even squeezable tubes.

One of our family’s favorite ways to enjoy yogurt is to turn it into a thick, luxurious, spreadable cheese. The following recipe for soft yogurt cheese is easy and fun to make and you can add just about any flavoring to suit your taste, sweet or savory. Use the extremely nutritious whey that comes from the draining of the yogurt in place of water when you cook grains or steel cut- oatmeal, or feed it to your chickens. Or, use it to make tasty biscuits to enjoy with your cheese!
We all know the story of the spider that scared the poor gal sitting on the tuffet and snacking on her curds and whey. Well, keep a lookout while you are eating these nutritious and delicious treats. They are sure to attract a lot of admirers!

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